Google Analytics tips

Website Analytics Basics

Website Analytics Basics

Google Analytics tipsWeb analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of website data for the purpose of understanding visitor behavior and for making actionable adjustments.

  • This is the starting point for increasing conversions
  • Google Analytics ( is free and powerful

Top 5 Things to Track With Analytics and Report On Monthly

  • Keywords (search terms) people use to visit your site – Quick tip: identify personas
  • Top entry and exit pages – Quick tip: add callouts
  • Top sites that send you traffic – Quick tip: research similar sites
  • How long people stay – Quick tip: increase stickiness
  • Goals – Quick tip: define conversions


Key Steps:

  • Set up Google analytics and add it’s code snippets to  all pages
  • Run Monthly Ranking Reports (to see how your ranks are improving)
  • Monthly Web Statistical Analysis/Traffic Reports (informs conversion enhancement decisions)
  • Website Submission Form set up with Google Analytics Conversion Tracking (On your website) to document incoming leads. When possible, we recommend that you provide us with your average cost per lead to be inserted into Google Analytics.
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