Social Media Competitive Analysis
Before you move a social muscle, check out what your competitors are doing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, and more. Tools like Sprout Social, HootSuite, or the $600-a-month Radian6 can help streamline your efforts.
Check out the following type of data by hand or with a tool:
- Number of fans/followers
- Posting frequency and quality
- Types of content (images, video, blog posts, cartoons, surveys, etc.)
- How much original content versus content grabbed off the web to share?
- How engaged are their fans?
- Numbers of video views, channel views, and subscribers on YouTube
- Author Rank status of competitors’ Authors
Redo your analysis every now and then to keep tabs on what the Joneses are up to across Social Media Street.
Now that you have a benchmark for your own social status and your competitor’s social status, you can start employing the individual tactics.
Now that you have a greater appreciation for how social media fits into the mix and affects other channels, it’s time to discuss the many individual social tactics and sites you can use.
How do you keep an eye on your competitors?
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